Monday, August 2, 2010

Lady Gaga planning to move to Tacoma

Well, she is planning a visit to the Tacoma Dome for a one-night stand in three weeks. Now curb your enthusiasm and read the stats:

Closed Transactions July 22-31

Here are this week's stats for North, Central, and South Tacoma.  Closing activity was significantly less (nearly forty percent) than last year at this time.

Selling time (from the date of the original listing to the time of signed purchase and sale agreement) was shorter. Average sales price slipped seven percent. Buyers are still offering less than sellers would like.

Sellers thinking of moving up would do well to realize that if they sell low they can also buy low. Lower taxes, smaller mortgages. And there are buyers out there who want your home!
If you'd like the selling details of the home that closed in your neighborhood, just ask.

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