October Closed Transactions

The average sales price was 25% higher. This year homes closed 48 days more quickly.
Sellers accepted 11% less than their original listing price
If you'd like the selling details of the home that sold in your neighborhood, just ask.
Homes are selling much more quickly and at higher prices. Inventory is down to 389 homes in North Tacoma and University Place ranging in listing price from $54,000 to $5.9 million. The average listing price is $326,500 (up from $253,146 last month) with a median of $245,000 (up from $179,380).
Homes are selling much more quickly and at higher prices. Inventory is down to 389 homes in North Tacoma and University Place ranging in listing price from $54,000 to $5.9 million. The average listing price is $326,500 (up from $253,146 last month) with a median of $245,000 (up from $179,380).
1 comment:
prices are high ... so the mortgage rates will also be high..people should look forward for good companies which are providing a good mortgage rates rather than choosing companies which makes the mortgage a living hell.
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