Friday, October 19, 2007

Oprah Show guest: Seattle real estate is booming

Oprah Winfrey guest Suze Orman, famous financial advisor, author and television personality, was asked to give a couple who was deeply in debt some financial advice. She called Seattle the hottest real estate market in the country. "Suze told [the couple] they must sell their California home and move to Seattle, Washington," Oprah's website explains. "With a booming housing market and high-tech industry, Suze says Seattle is particularly well suited to both Felice and Phil's strengths--Phil is a computer contractor and Felice was once a mortgage broker."

Read more about Felice and what else Suze says. Maybe we'll see Phil and Felice on the ferry next year!

Felice, you don't look happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Suze and Ophrah...just what the PNW needs.... more people more people and then more people...lets hire the ones that live here now...I say build a fence around the state